Software Requirements

Before installing the Vocalocity Voice Browser software, you must install the following software.

u Operating system

u Telephony hardware and supporting software

u Speech synthesis software (if using TTS)

u Speech recognition software (if using ASR)

Operating System Requirements

The Vocalocity Voice Browser is designed for the following operating systems:

u Red Hat Linux 7.3 - for the VocalOS server

u Red Hat Linux 8.0 - for the SwitchKit TEP server

For Vocalocity tools clients (Vocalocity App Center, Control Center, and Info Center), you must install either Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, or 2003.

Software Prerequisites

Before installing the Excel+Vocalocity software, you must install the following software:

u Red Hat Linux 7.3 - for the VocalOS server

u Red Hat Linux 8.0 - for the SwitchKit TEP server

u SpeechWorks Speechify 2.1.6 and Speechify Voices - for TTS

u Sun Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE), Version JDK 1.5.0_01-b08 (packaged with the Vocalocity installer)

u NFS Utilities

u Excel SwitchKit API (LLC, SwitchManager, and Client Libraries), Version

u Excel Switch System Software, Version 8310051

The Vocalocity Voice Browser Excel Installation Guide includes instructions for installing Speechify and the Vocalocity software. For instructions on installing Red Hat Linux, NFS utilities, and Excel SwitchKit software, refer the appropriate vendor documentation.